Leeuwenhock called small creature (microbes) as ___________? Bacterial spore produce within vegetative cells called __________? Cyanobacterium range in diameter from ________Um? Pili are made up of pilin which is? Pasteur's main achievements are the development of vaccines for diseases? 50 % of dry weight in some gram positive bacterial cells is? Permanent discoloration of teeth in young children is caused by _________ and its related compound? Bacteria one flagella at one pole is called? Tuft of flagella at two poles of bacteria,is called? Flagellate bacteria move in response to chemicals,which is a type of behavior called?
Hollow,nonhelical,filamentous appendages are? When divison occur in random planes,it will produce? Which of the following come out through cell wall nd originate from basal body? Recently a huge bacterium is discovered in the intestine of? On the basis of shape bacteria are classified into catagories?
If the division is in one plane of cocci it wil produce? If the division is in two plane of cocci it wil produce? Who discovered bacteria that caused tuberculosis and cholera? A specific organism can always be found in association with a given? The organism can be______ and grown in pure culture in laboratory?