Biology Class 11 Chapter 6 - Kingdom Prokaryotae (Monera) - Part 1

Biology Class 11
1. ________ bacteria for their nutrition are fully dependant on live host.

Biology Class 11
2. Leeuwenhock called small creature (microbes) as ___________.

Biology Class 11
3. Bacterial spore produce within vegetative cells called __________.

Biology Class 11
4. Cyanobacterium range in diameter from ________Um.

Biology Class 11
5. Periplasmic spaces are present in:

Biology Class 11
6. ________ effect of antibiotics is one that inhibit the reproductive capacity of cell.

Biology Class 11
7. __________ distinct phase are reorganized in bacterial growth curve.

Biology Class 11
8. Pili are made up of pilin which is:

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