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Biology Class 11 Chapter 6 - Kingdom Prokaryotae (Monera) - Part 6
One of following no. of species can causes diseases in humans:
a) 100
b) 300
c) 200
d) 400
Pencillin can cause _________.
a) Akinetes
b) Allergic reaction
c) Antisepsis
d) Gas vesicles
a) Printer hyphen
b) Staphylococci, streptococci
c) Square of 4 cocci
d) Cube of 8 cocci
Conjugation is facilitated by:
a) Capsule
b) Pili
c) Both pili and flagella
d) Flagella
________ and spiral shaped bacteria have flagella.
a) Archeobacteria
b) Bacilli
c) Gram Positive
d) Saprophytic
Collectively, complexs of layer external to cell protoplasm is _________.
a) Cell envelope
b) Gram
c) Cell wall
d) Cell division
Bacterial membrance differ from eukaryotic membrance in:
a) Lacking protein
b) Lacking sterol i.e. cholestrol
c) Lacking lipids
d) Lacking polysaccharides
Robert Koch isolated typical rod shaped bacteria from blood of sheep that has died of _______.
a) Antone van leeuwenhock
b) Archeobacteria
c) Animalcules
d) Arthrax
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