Biology Class 11 Chapter 6
Kingdom Procaryotae Monera
Test 13

Biology Class 11
1. Who discovered bacteria that caused tuberculosis and cholera?

Biology Class 11
2. Postulates of germ theory were?

Biology Class 11
3. A specific organism can always be found in association with a given?

Biology Class 11
4. The organism can be______ and grown in pure culture in laboratory?

Biology Class 11
5. Bacteria are _______ in their occurrence?

Biology Class 11
6. Some bacteria are always present and contribute towards the natural____?

Biology Class 11
7. Bacteria can live in?

Biology Class 11
8. Specific structures of the cell component of bacteria?

Biology Class 11
9. Bacteria range in size ?

Biology Class 11
10. Mycoplasma are about?

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