Biology Class 11 Chapter 6 - Kingdom Prokaryotae (Monera) - Part 17

Biology Class 11
1. Esherichia coil and psendomomas are cocci bacteria.

2. Amphitrichous is a condition when tuft of flagella at each of two poles (of bacteria) present.

3. Hollow, non helical and filamentous appendages on surface of bacteria are known as capsule.

4. Gram positive bacterial cell wall is less permeable than gram negative wall.

5. Bacteria have a single chromosome, which is haploid.

6. Cytoplasm matrix is the minor part of bacterial protoplast.

7. Plasmid is self replicating and essential for bacterial growth and metabolism.

8. Mosesomes are in the form of vesicles, tubules or lamellae.

9. Soil is full of organic compounds in the form of humus.

10. Some bacteria require a low concenteration of oxygen for growth are facultative bacteria.
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