Population of different species of plants and Animals in the same habitat constitutes a __________? A large regional community determined by climate is called as ____________? Molecular Biology deals with the structure of organization's the cells and their organelleles at _____________ level? A statement based upon observations and experience is called as _____________? The plants having foreign D.N.A. in their cells are? The branch of Biology dealing with social behavior and communal life of human beings is? The manipulation of desired genes in plants and animals is called as ____________?
The study of micro organisms, such as Bacteria, Viruses etc? is called as ______________? The older sediments layers have less number of specific__________________ than the younger ones? The technique which is used for preserving milk is and milk products is called? A group of living organisms of the same species located in the same place at same time is? In a _________ community any change can have drastic and long lasting effects? All living and non-living matter is formed of simple units called?
Different and enormous number of micromolecules and macromolecules arrange themselves to form? The technique consists of isolating the normal gene and inserting them into the host through bone marrow cells is called? The biology which deals with social behavior and communal life of human beings is? A living thing is composed of highly structured living substance called? A clone is defined as a cell or individual and all its sexually produced offsprings?