Chapter 1 - Biology and its Major Fields of Specilization - Part 5

Biology Class 11
1. A clone is defined as a cell or individual and all its sexually produced offsprings.

2. There are relatively very few laws in Biology.

3. The Inductive reasoning always moves from general to the specific.

4. Roots in plants serve to anchor it to the soil and help in food storage and absorption of water and minerals.

5. The Prokaryotes possess all the cellular organelles in their cytoplasm as do the eukaryotes.

6. In living organisms many systems never work in mutual co-ordination.

7. The individuals of the same species are much similar and potentially interbreeding organisms in nature.

8. The macromolecules constituting the bulk of living organisms posses very low molecular weight.

9. Population is a lower level of Biological organization than an organism as a whole.

10. The vaccination technique was developed by Edward Collins.
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