Chapter 1 - Biology and its Major Fields of Specilization - Part 3

Biology Class 11
1. A group of organisms of the same species located in the same place at the same time is called as ___________.

Biology Class 11
2. The production of genetically identical copies of organisms by Asexual reproduction is called as __________.

Biology Class 11
3. Hydroponic culture technique

Biology Class 11
4. Chemotherapy technique

Biology Class 11
5. A technique involved in food preservation from spoilage by killing non-spore forming bacteria is called ____________.

Biology Class 11
6. All the living and non-living matter are formed of:

Biology Class 11
7. The study of living organisms in seas and oceans is called as ______________.

Biology Class 11
8. Every organism is composed of numerous micre and ___________ molecules of hundreds of different type.

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