Biology Class 11 Chapter 1
Biology and its Major Fields of Specilization
Test 7

Biology Class 11
1. The most advance field of biology is?

Biology Class 11
2. The multi purpose biology is?

Biology Class 11
3. The technique consists of isolating the normal gene and inserting them into the host through bone marrow cells is called?

Biology Class 11
4. The study of Bacteria,Viruses and protozoa comes under?

Biology Class 11
5. The study of life in sea and oceans is?

Biology Class 11
6. The biology which deals with social behavior and communal life of human beings is?

Biology Class 11
7. The bio-elements which accounts for 99% of the total mass are?

Biology Class 11
8. Oxygen accounts for how much of the total body?

Biology Class 11
9. Carbon accounts for how much of the total body?

Biology Class 11
10. Hydrogen accounts for how much of the total body?

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