Biology Class 11 Chapter 1
Biology and its Major Fields of Specilization
Test 6

Biology Class 11
1. Chapter 1 - Literal meaning of Biology is?

Biology Class 11
2. Total number of bioelements are?

Biology Class 11
3. Percentage of trace elements in human body is?

Biology Class 11
4. Naturally occurring chemical elements are?

Biology Class 11
5. A living thing is composed of highly structured living substance called?

Biology Class 11
6. Dynamic collection of organism is?

Biology Class 11
7. A biome is large regional community primarly determined by?

Biology Class 11
8. Of the total known species of organisms , animals other than insects are?

Biology Class 11
9. Total estimated species are?

Biology Class 11
10. The Study of Fresh water bodies is termed as?

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