The molecular formula of toluene is? Aniline is a derivative of benzene which contains? How many pi electrons are in benzene? In benzene sulphonic acid, the sulphonic group is attached with benzene through? The molecular formula of biphenyl methane is? Which pair of group contains both ortho and para directions? Molecular mass of benzene was considered as 78.108 by method of? Aromatic compounds include __________ and all those compounds that are structurally related to _________________? On the basis of the number of benzene rings aromatic hydrocarbons can be categorized into __________ classes? Mono-substituted benzene derivatives are named by pre-fixing _________ by the name of substitutes?
If two substituents are different and they are not present in priority order list, they are named in ________________? If there is a substituent on the ring which gives a special name to the molecule, then special name is used as _____________ to the molecule? Compounds containing _______________ double bonds are more stable than those containing ________________ double bond? In aromatic compounds the stability of a molecule increase with increase in the number of its __________________? When alkyl benzenes are treated with chlorine or bromine in the presence of sunlight, only __________ groups are substituted? The term aromatic was used in Organic Chemistry for a special class of compounds? Aromatic hydracarbons containing the benzene ring in their molecules are called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?
If two or more substituents are different, then the substituent that is treated as a high priority group, is given number 1 position? The extent of stability of benzene can be measured by comparing it with hypothetical compound, 1,3,5 – cyclohexatriene? The possibility of different pairing schemes of valence of electrons of atoms is called “Resonance”? The C-C bond length in benzene is intermediate between those in alkanes and alkenes? Benzene reacts with Ozone and gives glyoxal through benzene triozonide? Hydrogen to carbon ratio in aromatic by hydrocarbon is-------?