Aromatic Hydrocarbons - 2

Chemistry Class 12
1.    The molecular formula of benzene indicates that it is highly ___________ compound.

Chemistry Class 12
2.    Benzene gives addition reactions with __________ and _____________.

Chemistry Class 12
3.    Benzen gives substitution reaction with ___________ & _____________.

Chemistry Class 12
4.    Hexagonal structure of benzene was confirmed by ___________ technique.

Chemistry Class 12
5.    All the bond angles in benzene are of _______________.

Chemistry Class 12
6.    All C-C & C-H bond lengths are ___________ & ______________ respectively.

Chemistry Class 12
7.    Each carbon in benzene ring is ________________ hybridzed.

Chemistry Class 12
8.    2pz orbital in benzene carbon remain at ______________ angle to SP2 orbital.

Chemistry Class 12
9.    The extraordinary stability of benzene is due to _______________.

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