The latin word anema means? All the animals belong to kingdom? It has a weight of upto 150 tons. The statement is about? Shell, chitin, scales and furs. These are the ___ of animals? The digestive system which have two openings, one for ingestion and the other for egestion is known as? The digestive system of planaria? Compound eye is the most prominent character of? Antenal, coxal and maxilary glands in arthropodes are used for? The excretory product in the insects is in the form of? The heart and the haemocoel makes the ___ system of arthropodes?
Which one of the following helps in soil fertility? The main body cavity of arthropodes is known as? The setae in annelids are made up of? The fluid in the coelomic compartements of annelids acts as? Segmentation in annelids means that? The digestive system of annelids is? Parapodia are present in the body wall of? The garden snail is included in the class? In america, the shells of which one of the following mollusk is used in roads construction? The shell in mollsks is secreted by the?