Biology 11 Chapter - 9
Diversity Among Animals - 50
Which one of the following is not a placental mammal?
a) Bat
b) Human
c) Dolphin
d) Kangaroo
The structures in mammals which provides insulation to the body are?
a) Ears
b) Hair
c) Marsupium
d) Placenta
Armadillo is a?
a) Metatherian
b) Fish
c) Eutherian
d) Prototherian
All animals are
a) heterotrophs
b) autotrophs
c) unicellular
d) motile
Which of the following is not included in grade bilateria
a) molluscs
b) cnidarians
c) nematodes
d) annelids
Which of the following classes of animals includes the first verteberates to
appear on Earth?
a) osteichthyes, the bony fishes
b) chondrichthyes, the sharks
c) agnatha, the jawless fishes
d) tunicata, the sea squirts
Which of these does not pertain to a protestome?
a) blasto pore-anus
b) schizocoelom
c) spiral cleavage
d) annelids
Sponges belong to the phylum.
a) arthropoda
b) aschelminthes
c) mollusca
d) porifera
. Which of the following is not a parasite
a) annelida
b) platyhelminthes
c) nematoda
d) porifera
Which of the following most clearly demonstrates the evolutionary
relationship between annelids and arthropods?
a) body segments
b) an exoskeleton
c) a complete digestive tract
d) radial symmetry
Reptiles are much more extensively adapted to life on land than
amphibians in that reptiles
a) )have a complete digestive tract
b) are endothermic
c) Reptiles are much more extensively adapted to life on land than
amphibians in that reptiles
d) go through the larva stage
go through the larva stage
a) )ray finned
b) jawless fish
c) )cartilaginous fish
d) bony fishes with lungs
bony fishes with lungs
a) blastopore is associated with the anus
b) spiral cleavage
c) enterocoelom
d) echinoderms and chordates
Which of the following has a gastrovescular cavity?
a) flatworms
b) sponges
c) ) earthworms
d) roundworms
Which of the following is not a subphylum of chordata
a) cephalochordata
b) urochordata
c) hemichordata
d) vertebrata
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