Biology 11 Chapter - 9
Diversity Among Animals - 27
Which one of the following is not eaten as food?
a) Prawn
b) Mosquito
c) Lobster
d) Cray fish
Which one of the following is not a crustacean?
a) Prawn
b) Guinea worm
c) Lobster
d) Prawn
Honey is produced by?
a) Myriapodes
b) Insects
c) Crustaceans
d) Arachnids
Which one of the following is a product of lac insects?
a) Honey
b) Wax
c) Shellac
d) Silk
Which one of the following is the product of honey bees?
a) Silk
b) Honey
c) B and c are correct
d) Bee wax
Silk is obtained from?
a) Prawns
b) Lac insects
c) Honey bees
d) Silk worm
Which one of the following is a plant pollinator?
a) All of these
b) Ants
c) Bees
d) Butterflies
Which one of the following insects is not used as food?
a) Locust
b) Cricket
c) Housefly
d) Grasshopper
Which one of the following feed voraciously upon plant lice?
a) Mosquito
b) Cockroach
c) Grasshopper
d) Ladybird beetle
Which one of the following damage books?
a) Butterflies
b) Sand flies
c) Honey bees
d) Silverfish
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