If a belongs to R, a = a; represents? If a, b belongs to R, a = b =# b = a represents? If a, b, c belongs to R, a = b /\ b = e =# a =c represents? If a, b, c belongs to R, a = b =#a+e = b+e? If a, b, f, belongs to, a+c = b+c =# a = b represents? If a, b Belongs to R, either a = b or a # b or a @ b represents? In circle is the circle which touches one side of triangle externally and two sides internally when produced? In order to bear the burden of bridges, arches below the bridges are constructed in the form of triangles?
If a belongs to R, a = a; represents? If a, b, c belongs to R, a = b /\ b = e =# a =c represents? If a, b , c belongs to , a = b =# ac = bc /\ ca = cb represents? If a, b, f, belongs to, a+c = b+c =# a = b represents? The set {1 , - I} possesses closure property with respect to? The set {1} possesses closure property with respect to? The property used in the equation 4+9 = 9+4 is? If a, b Belongs to R, either a = b or a # b or a @ b represents? Name the property used in the inequality - 3 @ -2 =# 0 @ 1? Name the property used in the inequality 1 # -1 =# -3 # -5? If a, b, c Belongs to R a # b =# a+c # b+c represents?
Name the property used in the inequality a @ 0 =# ~a # 0 where a E(belongs to) R? The inverse of an dement 'a' with respect to addition is? The identity element with respect to multiplication is? Name the property used in the inequality a# b =# -a @ -b where a , b belongs to R? For all a, b, c belongs to R, if (ab) c =a (bc), then this property is (A)? If a, b, c E R and c @ 0, a @ b, then? The property used in the equation 4+0 = 4 is? When a and a-1 are multiplicative inverses, then?