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Math 11 Chapter 2
Number System
Test - 3
Name the property used in the inequality - 3 @ -2 =# 0 @ 1?
a) Multiplicative property
b) Trichotomy property
c) Transitive property
d) Additive property
Name the property used in the inequality 1 # -1 =# -3 # -5?
a) Trichotomy property
b) Transitive property
c) Additive property
d) Multiplicative property
For all x, y, z E R , x @ y = # x+y @?
a) z- x
b) y+z
c) y+x
d) x+y
Name the property used in the inequality a# b =# -a @ -b where a , b belongs to R?
a) Trichotomy property
b) Multiplicative property
c) Transitive property
d) Additive property
Name the property used in the inequality a @ 0 =# ~a # 0 where a E(belongs to) R?
a) Trichotomy property
b) Multiplicative property
c) Transitive property
d) Additive property
Let a,b,c be all positive real numbers and a @ b. then
a) ac @ bc
b) None of the above.
c) ac # bc
d) ac= bc
a @ b = @ - a # -b.
a) True
b) False
a@b =@ ac # bc
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