Population of Pakistan - 3

Pak Studies MCQs
1.    Density of population in Pakistan according to 1998 census has been estimated at ________ per sq km.

2.    Percentage of rural population in Pakistan according to 1998 Census is _________.

3.    Young people under 15 year of age from _____ % of the population in Pakistan.

4.    People between 15-64 years of age have been estimated to form ______ %.

5.    Census 1998 puts the percentage of the people who have attained to the age of 65 at ___________.

6.    _________ % people out of the total population of Pakistan live in the province of Punjab.

7.    The province of Punjab covers only____________ % of the total area of Pakistan.

8.    Balochistan constitutes about ___________ % of the total area of Pakistan.

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