Correct spellings are a power. But in English there are so many confusing words which are spelled incorrectly even by very senior people. In every exam if you misspell a word, the examiner is going to take very seriously and you despite preparing well are going to lose precious marks. We have compiled a list of 600 most commonly misspelled words and arranged in the form of exercises where not only you will be able to put your spelling to test but will also strengthen your spellings.
These are tests of most commonly misspelled words. See following words and if you are sure about the correct spellings then take test by clicking above tests. This is how you can carry out your own assessment in spelling command. immediately, immediatly, incidentally, incidently, independent, independant, interrupt, interupt, irresistible, irresistable, knowledge, knowlege, liaise, liaison, liase, liason, lollipop, lollypop, millennium, millennia, millenium, millenia
Unfortunately Number of English words have no link between their spelling and pronunciation like put and but. Since the sixteenth century voices for spelling reforms have been raised and some reformers wished to restore a closer link between spelling and pronunciation but so far in vain. You may take above tests to test your spellings. curiosity, curiousity, definitely, definately, dilemma, dilemna, disappear, dissapear, disappoint, dissapoint, ecstasy, ecstacy, embarrass, embarass, environment, enviroment, existence, existance, Fahrenheit, Farenheit, familiar, familar, finally, finaly, fluorescent, florescent, foreign, foriegn, foreseeable, forseeable, forty, fourty, forward, foward, friend, freind, further, futher, gist, jist, glamorous, glamourous, government, goverment, guard, gaurd, happened, happend