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Quran Stistics - 2
How many over bar (zaber) are in Holy Quran?
a) 93244
b) 93254
c) 93200
d) 93243
How many under bar (Zaer) are in Holy Quran?
a) 39586
b) 39500
c) 39588
d) 38586
How many stop ( Waqf ) are in Holy Quran?
a) 5199
b) 5098
c) 5099
d) 5198
How many thashdeed are there in Holy Quran?
a) 19553
b) 19253
c) 19653
d) 19254
How many letters are in Holy Quran?
a) 323671
b) 323571
c) 324571
d) 303671
How many paysh are in Holy Quran?
a) 4808
b) 4800
c) 4400
d) 4853
How many Madds are in Holy Quran?
a) 1441
b) 1771
c) 1551
d) 1661
How many words are in the longest Surah of Holy Quran?
a) 25500
b) 25515
c) 25514
d) 25512
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