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Quran Revealation - 2
Where was the last Surah revealed?
a) In Makkah.
b) In Taif
c) In Yathrib
d) In Madina.
How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Qur’an?
a) 22 years, 5 months and 14 days.
b) 21 years, 5 months and 14 days.
c) 23 years, 5 months and 14 days.
d) 23 years
When and Where did the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam) meet for the second time?
a) On Friday,27th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira
b) On Friday,17th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira
c) On Friday,18th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira
d) On Friday,25th Ramadan, in the Cave of Hira
What was the interval between the first and the second revelation?
a) 1 year.
b) Three months.
c) 2 years and six months.
d) Six months.
The Holy Quran was revealed over how many years?
a) 22
b) 23
c) 21
d) 25
Who took the responsibility of keeping the Qur’an safe?
a) The Ummah
b) The Holy Prophet PBUH
c) The Rulers
d) Allah himself
Who were the Kaatib-e-Wahi (Writers of the Wahi (revealations) )of the Qur’an?
a) Abu Bakar (RA), Umar (RA), Ali (RA), Zayd Bin Harith (RA) and Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
b) Abu Bakar (RA), Umar (RA), Ali (RA) and Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
c) Abu Bakar (RA), Usman (RA), Ali (RA), Zayd Bin Harith (RA) and Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
d) Abu Bakar (RA), Usman (RA), Ali (RA) and Abdullah bin Mas’ood (RA)
How many verses were revealed in the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 2
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