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Battle of Badar - 1
Battle in which Muhammad (PBUH) himself led the Muslims is called?
a) Saria
b) Battle
c) No answer is correct
d) Ghazwa
Approximately the total number of Ghazwat is?
a) 25
b) 23
c) 28
d) 20
The first female martyr in Islam is?
a) Sumyah
b) Ghadija
c) Salmah
d) Aisha
Approximately the total number of Sarias is
a) 50
b) 60
c) 53
d) 55
Who shot the first arrow for Islam?
a) Ubaidah ibn al-Harith
b) Either Ubaidah ibn al-Harith or Saad ibn Abī Waqqās as per different sources
c) Saad ibn Abī Waqqās
d) Hazrat Hamza
What major event took place in the 2nd Hijrah year in the month of Ramadan?
a) Conquest of Makkah
b) Battle of Badr
c) Miraj
d) Battle of Uhad
What is the Battle Called in the Quran as the Day of Furqaan
a) Hunyn
b) Badr
c) Uhud
d) Khandaq (Trench)
Battle Ground of Badar is located …….. Miles away from Madina?
a) 80
b) 10
c) 8
d) 60
Which Ghazwa was fought in the 2nd Hijri?
a) Hunain
b) Badr
c) Uhud
d) Ditch
The battle of badr took place on…
a) The 27th of Ramadan
b) The 17th of Ramadan
c) The 10th of Ramadan
d) The 25th of Ramadan
How many Meccans were there in the battle of Badr?
a) 800
b) 3000
c) 2000
d) 1000
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