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Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 12

Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 12

Everyday Science MCQs
1.    Dry ice is?

Everyday Science MCQs
2.    Chemical name of vinegar is?

Everyday Science MCQs
3.    Hygrometer is used for measuring the?

Everyday Science MCQs
4.    Which of the following is most elastic?

Everyday Science MCQs
5.    Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is?

Everyday Science MCQs
6.    Which of the following layers make radio transmission possible?

Everyday Science MCQs
7.    Which of the following explains the reason why there is no total eclipse of the sun?

Everyday Science MCQs
8.    Where do most of Asteroids lie?

Everyday Science MCQs
9.    The number of spark plugs needed in a diesel engine is?

Everyday Science MCQs
10.    Kilowatt-hour is a unit of?

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