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Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 11

Most Common Everyday Science Questions - 11

Everyday Science MCQs
1.    Total number of bones in human face are?

Everyday Science MCQs
2.    The human hand has?

Everyday Science MCQs
3.    The human foot has?

Everyday Science MCQs
4.    Ascorbic acid is?

Everyday Science MCQs
5.    The sky appears blue due to?

Everyday Science MCQs
6.    Abu Ali Sina, Al Beruni, Ibn Al Haitham belonged to which century?

Everyday Science MCQs
7.    Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient?

Everyday Science MCQs
8.    Study of life in outer space is known as?

Everyday Science MCQs
9.    The name of the common mineral salt present in sweat is?

Everyday Science MCQs
10.    Laughing gas has chemical composition of following two elements?

Everyday Science MCQs
11.    DAbdus Salam of Pakistan was one of the contributors of the unification of?
Everyday Science MCQs

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