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Most Common Current Affairs Questions - 2

Most Common Current Affairs Questions - 2

Current Affair MCQs
1.    H5n1 is the name of a?

Current Affair MCQs
2.    The Headquarter of the UN Security Council is located at?

Current Affair MCQs
3.    The currency of china is?

Current Affair MCQs
4.    The length of common border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is?

Current Affair MCQs
5.    Name of Bangladesh parliament is?

Current Affair MCQs
6.    The length of common border between Pakistan and Iran is?

Current Affair MCQs
7.    The length of common border between Pakistan and China is?

Current Affair MCQs
8.    Maple leaf is the National emblem of?

Current Affair MCQs
9.    “Hamas” was founded in 1987 by?
Current Affair MCQs

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