Verbal Intelligence Test Word Relationship - 3

ISSB Intelligence Test
1.    If trunk is to tree then base is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
2.    Carpet is to floor as grass is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
3.    Leavs are to tree as bees are to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
4.    Picture is to TV as Sound is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
5.    Foot is to kick as fist is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
6.    If Brazil is to South America then Egypt is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
7.    If chimney is to smoke then pipe is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
8.    Pressure is to force, as brawn is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
9.    Belt is to waist as lace is to:


ISSB Intelligence Test
10.    Bed is to sleep as chair is to:
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