Verbal Intelligence Least Like the Other - 6

ISSB Intelligence Test
1.    Choose the word that does not belong


ISSB Intelligence Test
2.    Choose the word that does not belong



ISSB Intelligence Test
3.    Choose the word that does not belong.



ISSB Intelligence Test
4.    Which one of the letters does not belong is the following series:
A - D - G - I - J - M - P - S



ISSB Intelligence Test
5.    Which one of the numbers does not belong in the following series?


ISSB Intelligence Test
6.    Choose the word that does not belong



ISSB Intelligence Test
7.    Choose the word or term that does not belong.


ISSB Intelligence Test
8.    Choose the word or number that does not belong


ISSB Intelligence Test
9.    Which one of the five is least like the other four?



ISSB Intelligence Test
10.    Choose the word that does not belong

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