Re-arrange The Letters and Words

ISSB Intelligence Test
1.    If you change one letter in BLOCK, you would have the name of a?


ISSB Intelligence Test
2.    By rearranging the letters "GAMON", you would have the name of a/an?


ISSB Intelligence Test
3.    By rearranging the letters " DOPALER", you would have the name of a/an?


ISSB Intelligence Test
4.    By rearranging the letters " ROAGNE", you would have the name of a/an?


ISSB Intelligence Test
5.    If you rearrange the letters CAPCOKE, you would have the name of a/an?


ISSB Intelligence Test
6.    Select the last letter which is common two game names played one with hands and other with feet?


ISSB Intelligence Test
7.    By rearranging the letters "HEROAL", you would have the name of a/an?


ISSB Intelligence Test
8.    if SQDD means TREE then what does VGDM mean?


ISSB Intelligence Test
9.    Imagine a single letter which when added to the word RANGE turn it into a fruit name?


ISSB Intelligence Test
10.    If you rearrange the letters PETGY, you would have the name of a/an?
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