Mental Math Quiz - 2

ISSB Intelligence Test
1. If 20 men can eat 200 kg of wheat in 40 days, then 10 men can eat 200 kg of wheat in how many days?


ISSB Intelligence Test
2. Collective age of 35 students is 350. If the teacher age is also included the average age of each student becomes 11 years. What is the age of teacher?


ISSB Intelligence Test
3. What is the loss in percent, if a book costing Rs.110 is sold for Rs.100?


ISSB Intelligence Test
4. What is 70% of 70?


ISSB Intelligence Test
5. The mean of 4, 5 and x is 6. The value of x is?


ISSB Intelligence Test
6. Two numbers have a sum of 21. If one number is 2 more than the other, what is the larger number?


ISSB Intelligence Test
7. If I gain 33 percent, by selling a book for Rs.4 What is my cost price?


ISSB Intelligence Test
8. The average of five numbers is 7. If the average of first three numbers is 8 then sum of fourth and fifth numbers is?


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