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Mechanical Aptitude 2 - Pulleys
How much rope would have to be pulled out of the pulley to raise the object 5 cm?
5 cm
30 cm
15 cm
45 cm
How much rope would have to be pulled out of the pulley to raise the object 5 cm?
30 cm
40 cm
20 cm
25 cm
How much force will be required to lift 20 KG weight in the given diagramme?
25 KG
40 KG
20 KG
5 KG
Which weight requires the least force to move?
Equal Force required in case of weight A and B
Weight B
Weight A
How much force will be required to lift 60 KG weight in the given diagramme?
15 KG
60 KG 6
120 KG
30 KG
How much force will be required to lift 20 KG weight in the given diagramme?
20 KG
5 KG
10 KG
25 KG
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