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Active and Passive Voices (Imperative Sentences)-1
In passive voice of simple imperative put in beginning?
a) Did
b) Order
c) Let
d) Do
Change the voice of Burn this doll?
a) Let the doll be burnt be
b) Let be the doll be burnt
c) Let be the doll burnt
d) Let the doll be burnt
Change the voice of Catch this bird?
a) Let bird this be cached
b) Let this bird this be cached
c) Let this bird be this cached
d) Let this bird be cached
Change the voice of Eat these apples?
a) Let apples these apples be eaten
b) Let apples these be eaten
c) Let these apples be eaten
d) Let these apples be apples eaten
Change the voice of Ring the bell?
a) Let the bell be rang
b) Let the bell be rings
c) Let the bell be rung
d) Let the bell be ring
.......the door be opened?
a) Has
b) Had
c) Let
d) Would
Change the voice of Do not steal his pen?
a) Let his pen not be his stolen
b) Let pen not be his stolen
c) Let pen not be stolen
d) Let his pen not be stolen
Change the voice of Do not beat him?
a) Let him do not be beaten
b) Let him do be beaten
c) Let him not be beaten
d) Let him be beaten
Change the voice of Do not shut your book?
a) Let your book not be shut
b) Let book not be shut
c) Let your book not shut
d) Let book not be your shut
Let an apple.........eaten?
a) Is
b) Been
c) Be
d) Will
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