General Knowledge - Currencies of Selected Countries - 11

General Knowledge - Currencies of Selected Countries - 11

Pakistan and International General Knowledge
1.    The Currency of Independent State of Samoa is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
2.    The Currency of West Bank and Gaza Strip is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
3.    The Currency of Tuvalu is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
4.    The Currency of Socialist Republic of Vietnam is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
5.    The Currency of UAE is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
6.    The Currency of Thailand is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
7.    The Currency of Namibia is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
8.    The Currency of Slovenia is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
9.    The Currency of Trinidad and Tobago is?


Pakistan and International General Knowledge
10.    The Currency of Nigeria is?
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