Indo Pak History Papers 1985 to 2000-39

Indo Pak History Papers 1985 to 2000-39

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1.    Hyderabad Deccan surrendered to India on…….

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2.    Gawadar became part of Pakistan in…….

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3.    Nehru Report was published in…….

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4.    State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated in…….

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5.    Peshawar was captured by Syed Ahmad Shaheed in…….

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6.    Government of Indian Act, 1935 came into operation in…….

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7.    Basic Democracy System was launched in……

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8.    Durand Line was drawn in…….

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9.    Muhammad bin Qasim captured the city Daibul in:

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10.    Pakistan became the member of NAM in……..

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