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CSS Past Papers
Pakistan Affairs 2012 - 2
When the Simla conference under the presidentship of Lord Wavell was ended?
a) June 14, 1945
b) July 14, 1945
c) August 14, 1945
d) None of these
By whom the formula of 3rd June 1947 to divide India was announced?
a) Lord Atllee
b) Lord Wovell
c) Lord Mount Batten
d) None of these
Who was the first president of Constituent Assembly of Pakistan?
a) Quaid-e-Azam
b) Liaquat Ali Khan
c) Sikandar Mirza
d) None of these
Under whom leadership the Constitution of 1956 was passed?
a) Liaquat Ali Khan
b) Ch. Muhammad Ali
c) Sikandar Mirza
d) None of these
When the Constitution of 1973 was proclaimed?
a) April 12, 1972
b) March 23, 1973
c) August 14, 1973
d) None of these
When Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan?
a) 1960
b) 1962
c) 1969
d) None of these
in which constitution the presidential and parliamentary system at centre and provinces were adopted respectively?
a) 1956
b) 1962
c) 1972
d) 1973
When was the 18th Amendment Bill passed by National Assembly?
a) April 12, 2010
b) March 12, 2010
c) May 12, 2010
d) None of these (April, 08, 2012)
How much amount was allocated for the agriculture sector in the 7th five year plan?
a) Rs.13600 million
b) Rs.14600 million
c) Rs.15600 million
d) None of these
Which pass connects Parachanar and Kohat with Afghanistan?
a) Khyber pass
b) Kurram pass
c) Gomal pass
d) None of these
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