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CSS Past Papers
Islamiat 2010 Test - 2
Splitting of the moon occurred in?
a) Arafat
b) Mina
c) Muzdalifa
d) Haram e Pak
e) None of these
The "IFK" event is described in the Qur'an in?
a) Surah Baqarah
b) Surah Tauba
c) Surah Noor
d) Surah Yaseen
e) None of these
The Prophet's stamp comprises of these words?
a) Allah,Rasool,Muhammad
b) Muhammad, Rasool,Allah
c) Rasool,Muhammad,Allah
d) Rasool,Allah,Muhammad
e) None of these
a) A collection of Ahadith
b) Two specific Surahs of Quran
c) A book of Jaffariah fiqh
d) A book of hanafi fiqh
e) None of these
Ozza was the name of?
a) a specific goddess of Quraish
b) Honour and Respect
c) name of a tree
d) name of a snake
e) None of these
LEA'AN is?
a) A clause of Islamic law
b) To receive a reward
c) A term of trade
d) To bargain
e) None of these
Ashabus sabt means?
a) Jews
b) Christians
c) Muslims
d) Sabieen
e) None of these
The number of famous months are?
a) Four
b) Six
c) Seven
d) Two
e) None of these
Jabal-e-Noor is situated in?
a) Arafat
b) Ghar e Hira
c) Ghar e Saur
d) Jabal Uhud
e) None of these
The heads of Zakat are?
a) Eight
b) Nine
c) Seven
d) Five
e) None of these
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