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CSS Past Papers
Everyday Science - 2006
Test - 6
A concave lens is used for the correction of the hyper phobia?
a) False
b) True
The nucleic acids are responsible for proteins synthesis in the human body?
a) False
b) True
It is used to convey the physical statistics to a distance?
a) Altimeter
b) Photon
c) Telemeter
d) Microscope
It is a complex device, having a potentiometer and ammeter?
a) Cusec
b) Periscope
c) Microscope
d) Multimeter
It is a conceptual term?
a) Altimeter
b) Perimeter
c) Periscope
d) Comet
It is a device, for measuring the altitudes?
a) Nucleon
b) Periscope
c) Microscope
d) Altimeter
In it, the channel of light waves is straight?
a) Photon
b) Microscope
c) Periscope
d) Ammeter
In it, the channel of light waves is bended by the use of a mirror or a prism?
a) Telescope
b) None of these
c) Binocular
d) Periscope
It is a sub-nuclear particle?
a) Nucleon
b) All of these
c) Comet
d) Photon
It is an energy packet?
a) Photon
b) Neuron
c) All of these
d) Nucleon
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