CSS Past Papers
Everyday Science - 2006
Test - 3

CSS Past Papers
1. An electrical device which regulates the current flow under the influence of heat?

CSS Past Papers
2. Which physical quantities are measured by torr?

CSS Past Papers
3. Which physical quantities are measured by slug?

CSS Past Papers
4. It is a thermo-electrical device, which work on the principle of thermal expansion. It is set as a temperature regulator in home appliances like refrigerators, ac, and iron?

CSS Past Papers
5. A device, usually portable and electronic or electromechanical, that counts each step a person takes by detecting the motion of the person's hips is called?

CSS Past Papers
6. Which physical quantities are measured by guass?

CSS Past Papers
7. Which physical quantities are measured by acre foot?

CSS Past Papers
8. Which physical quantities are measured by Becquerel?

CSS Past Papers
9. Which physical quantities are measured by erg?

CSS Past Papers
10. Which physical quantities are measured by dyne?

CSS Past Papers
11. Which physical quantities are measured by foot-pound?

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