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CSS Past Papers
Everyday Science - 2006
Test - 1
Ail.comThe alloy consisting of metals copper, zinc and nickel?
a) German silver
b) Fertilizer phosphate
c) Cellulose
d) Magnetite
The instrument specially designed for recording earthquake waves?
a) Sphygmomanometer
b) Barometer
c) Seismograph
d) Theodolite
The electrical device which converts sound energy into electrical energy?
a) Microphone
b) Speaker
c) Electric motor
d) Water pump
The device with which variation of blood flow can be heard?
a) Two answers are correct
b) Stethoscope
c) Barometer
d) Sphygmomanometer
The element, which is abundantly present in the human body?
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Hydrogen
c) Plutonium
d) Oxygen
The scientist who discovered penicillin?
a) Marie curie
b) Jabir bin hayan
c) Sir alexander fleming
d) Robert brown
The astronaut who first landed on the surface of the moon?
a) Robert brown
b) Alekseyevich gagarin
c) Neil armstrong
d) Yuri gagarin
The desert mammal, which drinks least amount of water?
a) Horse
b) Camel
c) Desert hawk
d) Alligator
The mode of heat transfer from the sun to the earth?
a) conduction
b) Convection
c) reflection
d) Radiation
Which physical quantities are measured by guass?
a) Magnetic flux
b) Lens optical power
c) Magneto motive force
d) Energy
The ore of mercury metal?
a) Sulphide cinnabar
b) Uranium dioxide
c) Chromium
d) Mercury
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