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CSS Past Papers
Current Affairs 2006
Test - 1
The spirit of Islam author is?
a) Syed Amir Ali
b) Sir Syed Ahmad khan
c) None of these,
d) Allama Iqbal
How many medals were won by Pakistan in the 18 common wealth games?
a) 7
b) 3
c) None of these
d) 5
Fourth Estate applied to?
a) Executive secret agency
b) Press
c) None of these
Han Myung has become the first woman prime minister of?
a) Vietnam
b) North Korea
c) None of these
d) South Korea
The South Asian association for regional cooperation standing committee had agreed in principle to grant an observer status to?
a) None of these,
b) China and Japan
c) Britain and France
d) United States and south Korea
Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2005 was awarded to M. Elbardei together with?
a) None of these
b) World Health Organization
c) International atomic energy agency
d) United Nations educational scientific and cultural organization
Xinhua is the news agency of?
a) China
b) North Korea
c) None of these,
d) Russia
Biman is the airline of?
a) Nepal
b) Bangladesh
c) Sri Lanka
d) None of these
H5n1 is the name of a?
a) Vaccine
b) None of these
c) Virus
d) Medicine
Who is the governor of State Bank of Pakistan?
a) Dr Ishrat hussain
b) Dr Shamshad Akhtar
c) None of these,
d) Sulman Shah
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