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CSS Past Papers 2010
British History - 2
David Ricardo was?
a) None of These
b) Philosopher
c) Statesman
d) Economist
The organizer of victory was?
a) None of These
b) Carnot
c) Prieur
d) Lindet
‘Hogarth’ (d.1764) a painter belonged to the country and is a?
a) German
b) British
c) Dutch
d) None of These
Catholic Emancipation Act was passed on?
a) 1815
b) 1826
c) 1829
d) None of These
Battle of Wandewash won by?
a) Duplex
b) None of These
c) Clive
d) Eyre Coot
American declaration of Independence issued from?
a) None of These
b) Massachauset
c) York Town
d) Philadelphia
England began the peninsular war in Spain?
a) 1800
b) 1801
c) 1808
d) None of These
Canning became Foreign Secretary in?
a) 1822
b) 1825
c) None of These
d) 1820
In the battle of Navarino, who was defeated?
a) Austria
b) Germany
c) None of These
d) Turkey
Which British Prime Minister established a civilian Police force for London?
a) Lord North
b) None of These
c) PIIT the younger
d) Peel
Slavery was abolished throughout the British Empire in?
a) 1835
b) 1833
c) 1830
d) None of These
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