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CSS Past Papers 2007
British History - 4
Who succeeded Gladstone when he resigned in 1894?
a) Sir William Hart Court
b) None of these
c) Lord Roseberry
d) Balfour
TREATY of TIENTSN was signed in?
a) 1856
b) 1860
c) None of these
d) 1858
The women were given the Right of Vote in?
a) 1918
b) 1926
c) None of these
d) 1916
In 1858 the TAKU forts of China were finally captured by?
a) None of these
b) French
c) English
d) American
Public Telephones were introduced in England in?xxxx
a) 1912
b) 1911
c) None of these
d) 1913
In England who advocated the cause of ‘free education’ and promised “old age pension”?
a) Dike
b) Salisbury
c) None of these
d) Joseph Chamberlain
The fall of Sabastopol took place in?
a) None of these
b) 1855
c) 1857
d) 1854
Who succeeded Wilson when he retired in 1976?
a) None of these
b) Michael Foot
c) Challaghan
d) Dennis Healey
Fashoda (NILE) incident took place in?
a) 1895
b) 1898
c) None of these
d) 1893
Dis-establishment of the Irish Church by Gladstone took place in?
a) 1857
b) 1879
c) None of these
d) 1869
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