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British History MCQs 2006 - 2
The book” England under the Stuarts” was written by?
a) None of these
b) Trevalvan
c) Clark
d) Thraill
Sir Walter Scott Died in?
a) 1825
b) 1832
c) 1812
d) None of these
Poor Law Reform Act was passed in?
a) 1832
b) 1830
c) None of these
d) 1834
The book “ History of England” was written by?
a) Carter
b) Wood
c) George Carter
d) Serlley xxx
The territory of Florida was sold to USA by?
a) Italy
b) None of these
c) Spain
d) France
George IV was married to?
a) Caroline
b) Victoria
c) Marry
d) None of these
The treaty of Chaumont was concluded against?
a) Spain
b) None of these
c) Germany
d) France
The Industrial Revolution resulted in the creation of?
a) None of these
b) Socialism
c) Agrarian Society
d) Capitalism
Pitt the elder was born in?
a) None of these
b) 1718
c) 1708
d) 1608
The French Revolution took place in?
a) 1769
b) None of these
c) 1786
d) 1789
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