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British History MCQs, 2004 - 3
The First Reform Act was passed in?
a) None of these
b) 1828
c) 1832
d) 1822
“A Text Book of Modern English History” was written by?
a) Southgate
b) None of these
c) Wood
d) Serlley
The Treaty of Versailles was signed in?
a) 1919
b) 1929
c) 1921
d) None of these
Lord Salisbury was born in?
a) None of these
b) 1825
c) 1830
d) 1820
Diseraeli became the Prime Minister of England for Second Term in?
a) None of these
b) 1874
c) 1884
d) 1880
The real stake in the Crimean war was
a) Central Europe
b) Germany
c) None of these
d) Turkey
Gladstone was Prime Minister of England for?
a) Four times
b) None of these
c) Two times
d) Three times
In July 1945 the Allied Powers called upon Japan to?
a) Return the Prisoners
b) Surrender of all Japanese armed forces
c) None of these
d) Stop bombing the civil prisoners
Armistice of 1918 was signed by Germany in?
a) November
b) June
c) March
d) None of these
In the Assembly of the League of Nation, each member state was to be represented by a maximum of?
a) None of these
b) Five delegatesxxx
c) Seven delegates
d) Three delegates
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