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British History MCQs, 2003 - 1
William III ascended the throne of England in
a) 1689
b) 1691
c) None of these
d) 1693
Queen Anne ruled England for?
a) 12 years(1702-1714)
b) None of these
c) 10 years
d) 14 years
The Parliamentary Union between England and Scotland took place in?
a) None of these
b) 1703
c) 1705
d) 1707
Maria Theresa was confined as the ruler of Austria by the Treaty of
a) None of these
b) Treaty of Aix-La-Charelle(1748)
c) Treaty of London
d) Treaty of Paris
GREFORIAN calendar was adopted in England in?
a) 1745
b) 1741
c) 1751
d) None of these(1752)
Who was Prime Minister of England from 1744 - 1754?
a) Carteret
b) Newcastle
c) None of these
d) Pelham (Henry Pelham)
Who followed the policy of “Let sleeping dogs lie”?
a) None of these
b) Walpole
c) Pit
d) Stanhope
The BOSTON MASSACRE occurred in?
a) 1760
b) None of these
c) 1770
d) 1765
The Congress of PHILADELPHIA was held in?
a) 1754
b) 1774
c) None of these
d) 1764
George II personally led his force against France in 1743 at the battle of
a) None of these
b) Fonteney
c) Silesia
d) Detigen
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