British History MCQs, 2000 - 2

CSS Past Papers
1.    France accepted William as King of England by the ____ in 1697 AD.

CSS Past Papers
2.    The Bill of Rights ended the?

3.    A treatise "The Conduct of the Allies " was published by?

4.    The Act of Settlement was passed in?

5.    Walpole got education at Eton College and?

CSS Past Papers
6.    George III called himself the?

7.    Lord Townshend was popularly known as?

8.    Pitt the Younger was deeply affected by Adam Smith’s book?

CSS Past Papers
9.    The new police force organized by Sir Robert Peel became known as?

10.    William Pitt became the War Minister in _________ and Resigned in 1801 AD due to differences with George III?

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