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Physics 9 Chapter 9 - Transfer of Heat - 8
Metals are good conductor of heat due to the..................?
a) Big size of their molecules
b) Free electrons
c) Rapid vibrations of their atoms
d) Small size of their molecules
Which of the following is used for making handle of hot plates?
a) Copper
b) Conductors
c) Aluminium
d) Insulators
Which of the following is used for making spoons?
a) Insulators
b) Copper
c) Aluminium
d) Conductors
Why false ceiling is done?
a) Insulate the ceiling
b) Lower the height of ceiling
c) Cool the room
d) Keep the roof clean
Which out of the following is a bad conductor?
a) Copper
b) Wool
c) Iron
d) Aluminium
Which out of the following is a bad conductor?
a) Fur
b) Aluminium
c) Iron
d) Copper
Which out of the following is a bad conductor?
a) Aluminium
b) Feathers
c) Copper
d) Iron
Which out of the following is a bad conductor?
a) Aluminium
b) Iron
c) Polystyrenes
d) Copper
Which out of the following is a bad conductor?
a) Aluminium
b) Copper
c) Fibre glass
d) Iron
What is air?
a) Best insulator
b) Bad insulator
c) Both b and c
d) Bad conductor
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