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Physics 9 Chapter 9 - Transfer of Heat - 16
A shining silvered surface is ........................ reflector of heat?
a) Best
b) Good
c) Bad
d) Worst
What is present in the light coming from the sun?
a) Thermal radiations of short wavelength
b) Ultraviolet radiations of long wavelength
c) Thermal radiations of long wavelength
d) Infrared radiations of short wavelength
What is present in the light coming from the sun?
a) Ultraviolet radiations of long wavelength
b) Infrared radiations of long wavelength
c) Infrared radiations of short wavelength
d) Thermal radiations of short wavelength
What is present in the light coming from the sun?
a) Ultraviolet radiations of short wavelength
b) Thermal radiations of short wavelength
c) Infrared radiations of short wavelength
d) Ultraviolet radiations of long wavelength
Which of the following can allow radiations of short wavelengths to enter through them?
a) Both b and c
b) Glass
c) Wood
d) Transparent polythene
Which of the following are behaved in a similar way to radiations as glass or polythene?
a) Both b and c
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Water
d) Oxygen
Which of the following causes green house effect?
a) Water
b) Both b and c
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen
During the recent years, the percentage of ....................has been increased considerably?
a) None of these
b) Nitrogen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Oxygen
Increase in concentration of which of the following gases causes increase in average temperature?
a) Oxygen
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Nitrogen
Which of the following surface absorbs more heat?
a) Black surface
b) Polished surface
c) White surface
d) None of these
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