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Physics 9 Chapter 9 - Transfer of Heat - 14
Which of the following surface in Leslie’s cube is worst reflector of heat?
a) A dull black surface
b) A white surface
c) A shining silvered surface
d) A coloured surface
A dull black surface is ........................ reflector of heat?
a) Bad
b) Worst
c) Good
d) Best
Which of the following surface in Leslie’s cube is good emitter of heat?
a) A coloured surface
b) A shining silvered surface
c) A dull black surface
d) A white surface
A coloured surface is ........................ emitter of heat?
a) Worst
b) Good
c) Bad
d) Best
Which of the following surface in Leslie’s cube is good absorber of heat?
a) A coloured surface
b) A dull black surface
c) A white surface
d) A shining silvered surface
A coloured surface is ........................ absorber of heat?
a) Bad
b) Worst
c) Good
d) Best
Which of the following surface in Leslie’s cube is bad reflector of heat?
a) A coloured surface
b) A shining silvered surface
c) A dull black surface
d) A white surface
A coloured surface is ........................ reflector of heat?
a) Best
b) Worst
c) Bad
d) Good
Which of the following surface in Leslie’s cube is bad emitter of heat?
a) A shining silvered surface
b) A dull black surface
c) A coloured surface
d) A white surface
A white surface is ........................ emitter of heat?
a) Worst
b) Good
c) Bad
d) Best
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