Physics 9 Chapter 7 - Properties of Matter - 18

1. What is the formula for up thrust of the liquid?

2. What is the formula for weight of the liquid displaced?

3. Which of the following can be measured by hydrometer?

4. What is the hydrometer called that is used to measure the concentration of acid in a battery?

5. A wooden cube of sides 10 cm each has been dipped completely in water. Calculate the up thrust of water acting on it?

6. Which of the following can be determined by the Archimedes principle?

7. Which of the following formula is correct for density of solids by Archimedes principle?

8. With the help of which of the following, density of a substance can be determined?

9. What happens if weight of an object is greater than the up thrust acting on it?

10. The weight of a metal spoon in air is 0.48 N. Its weight in water is 0.42 N. Find its density?

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