Physics 9 Chapter 1 - Physical Quantities and Measurements - 24

1. Zeros written on the left side of the decimal point for the purpose of spacing the decimal point are......................?

2. What is the first significant digit in 0.002070?

3. What is the second significant digit in 0.002070?

4. What is the third significant digit in 0.002070?

5. What is the fourth significant digit in 0.002070?

6. How many significant figures are in 100.8 s?

7. How many significant figures are in 0.00580 km?

8. How many significant figures are in 210.0 g?

9. How is 1.943 rounded?

10. If the last digit is ..................5 then it is simply dropped?

11. If the last digit is greater than 5, then the digit on its left is increased by....................?

12. If the last digit is ..................5 then the digit on its left is increased by one?

13. How is 1.47 rounded?

14. If the last digit is...................then it is rounded to get nearest even number?

15. If the last digit is 5, then it is rounded to get nearest .............number?

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